Can Good Looks Derail Your Job Hunt?
READ MORE Best Foods for Healthy Skin Slideshow Pictures Antiaging Tips Secrets to Look Younger Slideshow Skin Quiz: Test Your Skin IQ MONDAY, Oct. 30, 2017 (HealthDay News) — Good looks may be a hindrance in the hiring process, a new study suggests. But before you feel sorry for attractive applicants, know that the finding only applied to lower-paying jobs. “Our research suggests that attractive people may be discriminated against in selection for relatively less desirable jobs,” said lead author Margaret Lee, a doctoral candidate at the London Business School. But a good-looking applicant did have an edge when it came to desirable jobs such as project director, manager or IT intern, the researchers added. The 750 study participants included university students and managers who make hiring decisions in real life. They were shown profiles and photos of two potential job candidates, one attractive and one unattractive. In a series of experiments, the attractive...